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Walking Through

Last Updated on June 8, 2023 by Paul Hradek

When I first started walking dogs on my own, I resented the ‘wasted time’ I was spending. I didn’t see the value in it.

We all know that generally speaking, people have a lot going on in their lives with a lot of things to manage. As the dude says in The Big Lebowski:

“This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder’s head.”

I thought that walking the dogs was a chore I had to do and when thinking about anything that way you’re setting yourself up to not enjoy it. When I first started walking the dogs, I was on my phone and not really engaged in the moment. Over time, I learnt that I was missing the point. Somehow I realised that I wasn’t making the best of this time. I started engaging with my dogs, talking to them about stuff going on with me and seeking their advice. They are great listeners and don’t judge me. Well, they don’t externalise their judgement anyway. There is always something positive you can take out of doing what you may have perceived as a chore; sometimes you just need a bit of time to find it.

Walking gives your physical body something to do and allows your brain to formulate solutions to issues/problems you have. To me, it sometimes feels like life can be a jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces scattered in the air. I learnt that walking helps the pieces start to fall down and take their place in the puzzle of life. This is a similar concept to why some people report having their best ideas in the shower. They are physically doing something else, to allow the unconscious to do its ‘stuff’.

I then started taking paper out with me, in case I came up with a solution to a particular issue that had been bothering me. Sometimes I note the idea down, and deliberately check it out later that day, to see if it prompts other thoughts. 

You don’t need a dog to go walking regularly, but they are great at letting you know their disapproval if you don’t! So next time you are puzzling over an issue, try a physical activity you feel comfortable with, to see how you feel about yourself afterwards.

If you want help to work on any issues, related to walking or anything, please contact me:

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