Unlock the
hidden power
of your

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, I help people emerge from their struggles by unlocking the power hidden in their unconscious mind. This is a supportive, powerful service, which can be permanent.

Please send a message to book a no-obligation chat, to find out how I can help you with effective, solution-focused therapy, tailored to you.

Is this you?

Constantly worrying about money issues, your children, boss, work, your looks, your weight, your sleep? Then there’s stress headaches, comfort eating, drinking too much, crying at the slightest thing and just feeling achy and unwell.

When you feel like this, it’s hard not to think the world is against you. But you blame yourself anyway. You think you’re failing. On the bad days it can feel like you’re winging it, clinging on by your fingernails. But to the outside world, you look like you’re in control. 

Sometimes though, you feel unable to do things. You can’t shake the heaviness in your chest, you dread everything and worry something bad is going to happen.

​The good news is, there IS a way to feel much better and I can help you get there.

Free Consultation

I offer a free, no obligation, consultation where you’re invited to share what’s troubling you, ask me questions and discover if I can help.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

I use the best tools: evidence-based hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, Gestalt, neuro-linguistic programming & positive psychology.

Executive Coaching

I provide a powerful process to help you unlock your potential and maximise your performance whether at home, work or in sports.

My work hours are 09:00 to 20:00 weekdays and Saturday mornings

I help men with issues, specialising in...


Quality of Sleep




Improving Confidence & Self Esteem

Dealing with

Dealing with
Stage Fright

Dealing with

Dealing with

Dealing with

Dealing with

I promise to...

  • Treat you with kindness, integrity and care

  • Listen without judgement, no matter what you tell me

  • Help you feel safe and supported

  • Do my best for you, every step of the way

  • Support you to create the life you want

paul hradek about me


Paul is approachable, patient and kind, he was able to see where I needed to be in order to resolve my issues and would gently point me in those directions during our sessions.
I would without a doubt recommend Paul to anyone who feels that whatever it is that's bothering them, is a bit too much to handle and would like someone to understand and point them in the right direction with patience, no judgement and in complete confidence.

Free yourself and become the best version of you.

My Story

I have always had an interest in people. Why do we operate the way we do? Why do ten people have ten different opinions about the same thing? Why are some of you wondering why I specifically said ‘ten people’ in the previous sentence  and others will have assumed this is an example number? 😉 How can two people debate something, and both have opposing views and both be sure they are correct?

This curiosity and interest in human behaviour led me to qualify as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, to try and help others make sense of it all. Find out how what I’ve learned could help you address the issues you’re facing.

paul hradek cognitive hypnotherapy

Find out more

Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, helping men resolve their issues by unlocking the power hidden in their unconscious.

Working Hours

09:00 to 20:00 weekdays
Saturday mornings